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United States

Trump: "We'll handle North Korea. It Will Be Handled. We Handle Everything"

With Gen. John Kelly set to be sworn in as Trump's new Chief of Staff, just days after the latest and most advanced North Korean ICBM test yet, one which can reportedly reach as much as half the major metro areas on the continental US, President Trump on Monday pledged to "handle" North Korea's provocative belligerence, without specifying exactly how he would do so as he faces rising tensions and limited options.

An "Angry, Frustrated" China Hits Back Over Trump's Latest Tweets

An "Angry, Frustrated" China Hits Back Over Trump's Latest Tweets

Two days after President Donald Trump tweeted he was "very disappointed" in China
following Pyongyang's latest missile test adding that "we will no longer allow this to continue", Beijing has hit back at Trump on Monday, saying the problem did not
arise in China and that all sides need to work for a solution, according to a statement sent to Reuters by China's Foreign Ministry.
