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"Our Leaders Should Shut Up" - Time For The US To Modernize Its Approach To Russia

"Our Leaders Should Shut Up" - Time For The US To Modernize Its Approach To Russia

Authored by James Durso via,

The Cold War was never won or lost; it just ended one day. Who even remembers where they were on December 3, 1989? 

As the Cold War ended, the U.S. forswore a demand for unconditional surrender, thanked God it was over, and thought about how to spend the peace dividend. The message Russia took away was: We didn’t lose.

A North Korean EMP Attack: The Dark Possibility

Authored by Shannara Johnson via,

As the tension between North Korea and the US continues to grow, the possibility of war is rapidly evolving into a probability. Now some military experts worry that an attack via EMP (electromagnetic pulse) on the US mainland might be a feasible option for Pyongyang.

The signs are certainly there: Having recently completed the ninth missile test of 2017, Kim Jong-un promised to send the US an even bigger “gift package.”

NYTimes Mistakenly Cites Tweet From North Korea Parody Account

NYTimes Mistakenly Cites Tweet From North Korea Parody Account

Management at the New York Times is planning to lay off half of the copy editors on staff – a decision that provoked a walkout at the NYT’s Times Square headquarters last week. But after an embarrassing editing error risked starting World War III, we’re thinking they might want to reconsider – at least until tensions cool between the US and North Korea.
