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Former News Corp Boss Admits "The Media Isn't Going To Change... In Fact It Will Get Worse"

Former News Corp Boss Admits "The Media Isn't Going To Change... In Fact It Will Get Worse"

Authored by Erico Matias Tavares via Sinclair & Co.,

Marty Pompadur is a reference in the global media industry, where he is involved as an investor, advisor and board member. Until recently he was global vice chairman of media and entertainment for Macquarie Capital based in New York City.

Summer Storm Keeps Building as Second Dip of Great Recession Approaches

Summer Storm Keeps Building as Second Dip of Great Recession Approaches

These updates to my list of “Seven Troubles Assailing the US Economy” are far too important to remain buried at the end of that article since many readers may not return to the article to check for updates. The summer economic crisis I’ve been predicting is building even more rapidly than when I reported a week ago. It’s almost here:


Total household debt now exceeds the peek it hit just before the economic collapse into the Great Recession. While the number of households is also up, wages are correspondingly down, so households have maxed out … again:

Susan Rice Slams "Lying" Putin; Rejects Muslim Ban: "They Need To Feel Valued"

Susan Rice Slams "Lying" Putin; Rejects Muslim Ban: "They Need To Feel Valued"

Susan Rice vehemently dismissed Russian President Vladimir Putin's denials that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, during a Sunday morning interview on ABC's "This Week".

Following Putin's comments during a press conference last week that "patriotic minded" private Russian hackers unconnected to the government could be behind major hacks that interfered in other nation's elections...
