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United States

Puerto Rico's Population Drain Since 2013 Equivalent To US Losing 20 Million People

Puerto Rico's Population Drain Since 2013 Equivalent To US Losing 20 Million People

Puerto Rico’s economic decline and, now bankruptcy, has triggered an astonishing exodus as thousands flee the commonwealth in search of economic opportunity in the Continental US, Bloomberg reported.

The population has been declining rapidly. The island has lost 2 percent of its people in each of the past three years, a comparable departure in the 50 states would mean 18 million people moving out since 2013. About 400,000 fewer Puerto Ricans live on an island of 3.4 million today compared with a decade ago, when its economy began contracting, Bloomberg reports.

Is Afghanistan A Lost Cause?

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

“We are there and we are committed” was the regular retort of Secretary of State Dean Rusk during the war in Vietnam.

Whatever you may think of our decision to go in, Rusk was saying, if we walk away, the United States loses the first war in its history, with all that means for Southeast Asia and America’s position in the world.

We face a similar moment of decision.

Dis-United States - Billionaire Bloomberg Builds Coalition Of States To Combat Climate Change

Dis-United States - Billionaire Bloomberg Builds Coalition Of States To Combat Climate Change

Billionaire, and former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg would like for you to know that, despite Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate agreement, he's absolutely intent upon imposing the environmental 'tax' contemplated in the agreement on you anyway. As such, he's developing a coalition of U.S. states, cities and business leaders to defy the President's decision and comply with the terms of the original deal.

Putin: "We Should Be Grateful To President Trump: In Moscow It's Cold And Snowing"

Putin: "We Should Be Grateful To President Trump: In Moscow It's Cold And Snowing"

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday during a panel at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum that the US investigations into whether the Kremlin meddled in the US election are nothing more than "hysteria," and that the anti-Russia sentiment in the US was about as virulent as anti-semitism.  “It’s like saying everything is the Jews’ fault,” said Putin, who said the blame for Hillary Clinton’s November loss lies squarely at the feet of the Democratic presidential candidate and members of her party, according to a report.
