Clash Between Qatar And The Saudis Could Threaten OPEC Deal

Authored by Cyril Widderhoven via,
The cohesion of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which includes all Arab Gulf countries, seems to be cracking.
Authored by Cyril Widderhoven via,
The cohesion of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which includes all Arab Gulf countries, seems to be cracking.
Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,
Israel’s Slaughter of US Sailors
Paul Craig Roberts
When Washington launched its wars of aggression in the Middle East, Washington used the slogan, “Support the Troops,” to silence critics of its war crimes.
How does Washington “support the troops”? By conspiring with Israel in covering up the murderous Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.
Why trusting in the bigger picture gives you trust in gold
The day after Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord, stocks are set for new all time highs with S&P futures up 0.2%, boosted by green markets across Europe and Asia, where the Nikkei rose above 20,000 for the first time since 2015. World stocks are set for new record highs, having already gained 11% so far this year, ahead of today's US nonfarm payrolls which are expected to increase by 185,000 jobs after surging 211,000 in April.