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United States

Canada Unveils $650 Million Lumber Industry 'Bailout' "To Stand Up To US"

Canada Unveils $650 Million Lumber Industry 'Bailout' "To Stand Up To US"

Canada's Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr just announced C$867 million (around $650 million) in financial supports for softwood lumber producers and the communities where they are based...“Canada is standing up to the U.S., Canada is standing up for Canadians.”

On Wednesday, the Conference Board of Canada released a report saying Canadian softwood producers would pay $1.7 billion in duties a year and cut 2,200 jobs and $700 million in U.S. exports over the next two years before the dispute is settled.

The Bilderberg 2017 Agenda: "The Trump Administration - A Progress Report"

The Bilderberg 2017 Agenda: "The Trump Administration - A Progress Report"

Every year, the world's richest and most powerful business executives, bankers, media heads and politicians sit down in some luxurious and heavily guarded venue, and discuss how to shape the world in a way that maximizes profits for all involved, while perpetuating a status quo that has been highly beneficial for a select few, even if it means the ongoing destruction of the middle class. We are talking, of course, about the annual, and always secretive, Bilderberg meeting.

One Bank's Surprising Discovery: The Debt Party Is Finally Over

One Bank's Surprising Discovery: The Debt Party Is Finally Over

A recurring theme on this website has been to periodically highlight the tremendous build up in US corporate debt, most recently in April when we showed that "Corporate Debt To EBITDA Hits All Time High." The relentless debt build up is something which even the IMF recently noted, when in April it released a special report on financial stability, according to which 20% of US corporations were at risk of default should rates rise.

Deutsche Bank Calculates The "Fair Value Of Gold" And The Answer Is...

Deutsche Bank Calculates The "Fair Value Of Gold" And The Answer Is...

Over the past three years, gold has found itself in an odd place: while it still remains the ultimate "safety" trade and store of value should everything go to hell following social and monetary collapse, when it comes to "coolness" it has been displaced by various cryptocurrencies, all of which have vastly outperformed the yellow metal in recent months. Meanwhile, central banks continue to pressure the price of gold to avoid a repeat of 2011 when gold nearly broke out above $2,000, putting the fate world's "reserve currency" increasingly under question.

Mattis: US To "Annihilate" Islamic State Caliphate, Civilian Casualties A "Fact Of Life"

Mattis: US To "Annihilate" Islamic State Caliphate, Civilian Casualties A "Fact Of Life"

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

US Defense Secretary James Mattis announced plans on Sunday to ‘Take Apart’ Islamic State Caliphate. Civilian casualties do not matter one bit.

The fight against Islamic State has shifted to “annihilation tactics” to stop potential terrorists who’ve flocked to places such as Iraq and Syria from returning to their home countries to wreak havoc, Defense Secretary James Mattis said Sunday.

