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Forget Peace & Stability - Washington's Policy In The South China Sea Is Confrontational

Forget Peace & Stability - Washington's Policy In The South China Sea Is Confrontational

Authored by Brian Cloughley via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The American guided missile destroyer USS Dewey was reported as having carried out a ‘freedom of navigation operation’ or FONOP in the South China Sea on May 24. According to the US Naval Institute the undertaking involved manoeuvres «within 12 nautical miles of Mischief Reef for about 90 minutes zig-zagging in the water near the installation. At one point during the operation, the ship’s crew conducted a man overboard drill».

Globalists Are Building An Army Of Millennials To Destroy Sovereignty

Globalists Are Building An Army Of Millennials To Destroy Sovereignty

Authored by Brandon Smith via,

Back in October of 2016 I covered an issue which I have been very concerned with for over a year now. In an article titled Global Elites Are Getting Ready To Blame You For The Coming Financial Crash, I outlined the basis for my belief that Donald Trump would win the U.S. election and why the U.K. Brexit was allowed to meet with success. Here is a quote from that article to give you a general sense of my position:

"I Was The Victim": Hillary Blames The NYT, The DNC, "Russian Agents," High Expectations, Comey And WikiLeaks

"I Was The Victim": Hillary Blames The NYT, The DNC, "Russian Agents," High Expectations, Comey And WikiLeaks

Earlier today Hillary Clinton offered up what some have described as one of the most delusional interviews of all time at Recode's CodeCon conference, in which she blamed everything and everyone, including but certainly not limited to: FBI Director Comey, "1,000s of Russian agents", right-wing media outlets, Russia, sexism, WikiLeaks, Russia, a funding deficit at the DNC, the New York Times (yes, the NYT) ...oh, and Russia, for her 2016 election loss.  And while she certainly "takes responsibility" for every decision she made, Hillary desperately wants you to understand that's not w
