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New Home Prices Are Over 50% Higher In Canada Than The US

New Home Prices Are Over 50% Higher In Canada Than The US

Authored by Kaitlin Last via,

The price of new homes is quickly diverging in Canada and the US.

 Data from the Canadian Housing and Mortgage Corporation (CMHC) show that new homes are selling for substantially more than the same time last year.


Meanwhile south of the border, data from the US Bureau of Census show that new home prices are on the decline.

In "Watershed Moment" Merkel Says Germany Can No Longer Rely On America

One day after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers, when the US president refused to endorse the Paris climate treaty, prompting the German chancellor to say  that “the whole discussion about climate has been difficult, or rather very unsatisfactory... here we have the situation that six members, or even seven if you want to add the EU, stand against one", Germany's prime minister made what many have dubbed, an "era-defining" statement.

Albert Edwards: "What On Earth Is Going On With US Wages"

Albert Edwards: "What On Earth Is Going On With US Wages"

When Albert Edwards predicted in late 2016 that a surge in wage inflation was imminent, we were confused by this prediction from the world's preeminent deflationist: after all, not only had not a single economic indicator validated a tighter labor market despite unemployment just above 4%, but as we have have repeatedly demonstrated what little wage inflation existed, was attributable to managerial-level, supervisory positions while the bulk of job creation remained with minimum-wage jobs, which have continued to see virtually no wage growth.
