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Bharara Joins The Trump "Resistance": Asks If Any Public Servants Will Dare Say No To The President

Bharara Joins The Trump "Resistance": Asks If Any Public Servants Will Dare Say No To The President

It appears the so-called 'resistance' is coalescing around a number of fired-by-Trump formerly powerful Obama administration officials desperate to maintain the tyrannical Trump narrative. The latest is infamous non-prosecutor of Wall Street's worst Preet Bharara who questions: Are there still public servants who are prepared to say no to the president?


North Korea's Latest Ballistic Missile Was A "New Type" With Dramatically Longer Range

North Korea's Latest Ballistic Missile Was A "New Type" With Dramatically Longer Range

After North Korea provoked both its neighbors and the US when on Sunday morning it fired off yet another ballistic missile from Kusong near the border with China  - one which this time did not explode upon launch  - just days after the election of a new South Korean president who ironically advocates more engagement with Pyongyang, experts said the missile appeared to be a new type of ballistic missile, and had a far greater range than any other weapon North Korea has successfully launched.

"It Fell Off A Cliff": Morgan Stanley's Macro Indicator Just Crashed The Most Since Dec. 2008

"It Fell Off A Cliff": Morgan Stanley's Macro Indicator Just Crashed The Most Since Dec. 2008

Step aside Citi US Economic Surprise Index, which after a "surprising" streak of negative economic data, recently crashed to the lowest level since October 2016...


... and make way for Morgan Stanley's ARIA, a monthly US macro indicator based on data collected through primary research on key US sectors (consumer, autos, housing, employment, and business investment).

Morgan Stanley: "Book Your Summer Holidays, But Put These Trades On First"

In the latest Sunday start from Morgan Stanley, the bank's co-head of economics, Elga Bartsch looks at - what else - the eerie, record calm gripping capital markets despite the daily bombardment, so to speak, of deteriorating geopolitical news, US and European political upheaval, deteriorating economic data, and confusion about China's credit impulse.
