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United States

It’s Inevitable: American Patriots Need Guns Because A War Is Coming

By Brandon Smith

Should the actions of a handful of criminals be used as an excuse to take away the rights of millions of innocent people? Any reasonable person would say no, but when it comes to gun related violence the standards of logic tend to go out the window. There are many government officials that view each major shooting as a gift – They believe that tragedies are political capital, a tool for leveraging away our freedoms.

Republican Congress Members and Presidential Candidates Pushing for War in Mexico

Back in September of 2018, I criticized Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that the United States military invade Mexico if Mexico legalizes heroin. Now, several Republican Congress members are using fentanyl fears as a new drug war basis for urging US military action south of the border. Politico writer Alexander Ward provided details in a Monday article. The article begins with the following:
