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United States

New York May Be the First to Ban Gas Stoves

On Tuesday, I wrote about the latest step being considered in the United States government’s ongoing effort to make homes more dreary. The US government has already pursued over the last few decades regulations to eliminate the sale of popular types of light bulbs, furnaces, toilets, and other items that help make a home homey. Now the Consumer Product Safety Commission is targeting gas stoves for elimination as well.

The US Government Versus Home Sweet Home

Over the last few decades the United States government has been working on degrading Americans’ homes one piece at a time. A new proposal the US government is considering would add gas stoves commonly used in the kitchens of homes across the country to its list of forbidden yet highly valued home items. Home sweet home keeps becoming more bitter as the US government mandates the elimination of home features that have contributed greatly to Americans’ comfort in their abodes.

Visualizing $65 Trillion in Hidden Dollar Debt

Visualizing $65 Trillion in Hidden Dollar Debt

This was originally posted on Elements. Sign up to the free mailing list to get beautiful visualizations on natural resource megatrends in your email every week.

The scale of hidden dollar debt around the world is huge.

No less than $65 trillion in unrecorded dollar debt circulates across the global financial system in non-U.S. banks and shadow banks. To put in perspective, global GDP sits at $104 trillion.
