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Jeff Sessions Accepts Trump's Offer To Serve As US Attorney General

Jeff Sessions Accepts Trump's Offer To Serve As US Attorney General


Some background on the Sessions appointment, courtesy of Bloomberg,  which elevates one of Trump’s earliest congressional backers, and one of the most conservative senators, to serve as the nation’s top law enforcement official.

Abe Says Trump "Is A Leader We Can Trust", Gives Him A Golf Club As Present

Abe Says Trump "Is A Leader We Can Trust", Gives Him A Golf Club As Present

Following Trump's first official meeting with a foreign leader on Thursday night (one which took place in Trump's apartment at the Trump Tower), Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Trump was a trustworthy leader in comments after his first meeting with the U.S. President-elect, whose statements on trade and security have sparked concern in Japan. Abe told reporters that he had frank discussions in a “warm atmosphere” at Trump Tower, and said he explained his views on a range of issues, but declined to comment on the substance of the talks in a meeting that lasted more than an hour.

Euro In Historic Slide As Dollar Surge, Bond Rout Continues

Euro In Historic Slide As Dollar Surge, Bond Rout Continues

It has been more of the same this morning as the dollar extended its advance on the still undeteremined Trump reflationary policy measures after Yellen signaled an interest-rate hike could be imminent, while bond yields around the globe rose again, metals declined,  European stocks advanced and futures were modestly in the red just shy of all time highs.

Jim Rogers Explains What He Is Doing Before "The Next Time The World Comes To An End"

Jim Rogers Explains What He Is Doing Before "The Next Time The World Comes To An End"

One week after RealVision brought us the latest Jeff Gundlach interview, in which the DoubleLine bond king explained why he is now "100% net short", on Friday Grant Williams interviewed Jim Rogers, in which George Soros' former partner (the two co-founded the Quantum Fund in 1973), is about as gloomy, warning "the next time the world comes to an end, it's going to be a bigger shock than we expect."
