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United States

Obama Steps In To Defend Hillary: DOJ Fights To Block Clinton Deposition

Obama Steps In To Defend Hillary: DOJ Fights To Block Clinton Deposition

If there was any doubt, or suspense on which side of the Hillary email scandal the "impartial" Department of Justice stands, the suspense was lifted and all was revealed yesterday when as The Hill reported, the Obama administration stepped into the ongoing Judicial Watch lawsuit and is fighting to prevent former SecState Hillary Clinton from being deposed.

US Forces Under Curfew After Rape & Murder In Okinawa

US forces stationed in Japan’s Okinawa island will be put under a month-long curfew following the rape and murder of Japanese women. The US military in Japan said they will restrict all celebrations and off-base alcohol consumption for its servicemen in Okinawa after an employee was arrested on suspicion of murdering a woman and a former US marine pleaded guilty to raping a Japanese tourist. Press TV reports: Lawrence Nicholson, the head of US forces in Okinawa, said on Monday that a night-time curfew and some other liberty regulations will come into effect for a month.

China Warns The World: America Is The "Greatest Threat To Peace & Stability"

China Warns The World: America Is The "Greatest Threat To Peace & Stability"

It is no secret that the relationship between the United States and China has been strained for quite some time. Earlier this month when the US sailed its guided missile destroyer the USS William P. Lawrence within 12 nautical miles of Chinese-occupied Fiery Cross Reef, it ended in China scrambling of two fighter jets and three warships to shadow the destroyer and convince it to leave the area.
