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In An Interesting Turn Of Events, Russia Proposes Joint Missions With US In Syria

In An Interesting Turn Of Events, Russia Proposes Joint Missions With US In Syria

In light of all of the recent tensions between the US and Russia, of which there have been many (here, here, here, here, and here), one would assume that Putin wouldn't be interested in working with the US on anything other than steering clear of each other for time being.

However, as RT reports, Russia has extended an olive branch with the US. Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu recently told journalists that the US and Russia should fly joint missions together in Syria to fight ISIS.

"Like It or Not, Donald Trump Will Be Your Next President"

Authored by Claire Bernish, Op-Ed via,

Trump will be the next president of the United States.

Now, before you take up arms over that statement, take a minute to carefully peruse the evidence pointing to precisely such an outcome. Because - no matter your opinions concerning the maladroit, cocksure demagogue with a fondness for describing himself in the third person - it’s almost inevitable you’ll soon be calling him President Trump.

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

While over the past several months the US has had its share of bizarre stories over the latest liberal craze, namely providing transgender bathrooms at public schools or losing access to funds which promptly enraged conservatives across the nation, the most recent development may also be the most surprising one yet: it appears that as the public debate over the treatment of transgender has hit a fever pitch, Oklahoma republicans have had enough and are now looking to impeach Barach Obama. 

The Oklahoma State Capitol
