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United States

Caught On Tape: Feds Bust Biggest Ever Food Stamp Fraud In History

While Wall Street has had its generous Federal Reserve sponsor for the past 8 years, literally printing money out of thin air, showering banks with risk-free profits and making the rich richer beyond their wildest dreams (although ever since the end of QE the pump has run dry), the rest of the US population was largely left to fend for itself.

US Senate Passes Legislation Allowing 9/11 Victims To Sue Saudi Arabia As '28-Pages' Leaks Appear

US Senate Passes Legislation Allowing 9/11 Victims To Sue Saudi Arabia As '28-Pages' Leaks Appear

On Tuesday, the US Senate passed the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act. The bill allows victims of terror attacks on U.S. soil or surviving family members to bring lawsuits against nation-states for activities supporting terrorism. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) explained that the bill is very near and dear to his heart, and would "allow the victims of 9/11 to pursue some small measure of justice."
