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U.S. government

Why Is The DOJ Downplaying Reports Of Proof Linking Obama And Clinton To Russian Corruption

Why Is The DOJ Downplaying Reports Of Proof Linking Obama And Clinton To Russian Corruption

Following the release of the identity of the FBI informant, Justice Department officials in recent days said that informant William Campbell’s prior work won’t shed much light on the U.S. government’s controversial decision in 2010 to approve Russia’s purchase of the Uranium One mining company and its substantial U.S. assets.

Russia-Gate Spreads To Europe

Russia-Gate Spreads To Europe

Authored by Robert Parry via,

Ever since the U.S. government dangled $160 million last December to combat Russian propaganda and disinformation, obscure academics and eager think tanks have been lining up for a shot at the loot, an unseemly rush to profit that is spreading the Russia-gate hysteria beyond the United States to Europe...

British Prime Minister Theresa May

"FALLCHILL": DHS, FBI Release Details On North Korean Hacking Tools

"FALLCHILL": DHS, FBI Release Details On North Korean Hacking Tools

As tensions between the U.S. and North Korea mount, the DHS and FBI have just issued a pair of technical alerts about cyber attacks which they say are sponsored by the North Korean government and that have been targeting the aerospace, telecommunications and financial industries since 2016.  According to the alert, North Korean hackers have used a type of malware referred to as “FALLCHILL” to gain entry to computer systems and compromise network systems.

Why Robert Mueller Was Selected To Be The Special Prosecutor

Why Robert Mueller Was Selected To Be The Special Prosecutor

Authored by Eric Zuesse,

It all began with the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers apartment complex in the Saudi city of Khobar, which killed 19 U.S. military, who worked at the Dharan air base three miles away.

That incident became the lynchpin of the accusation by the Saudi royal family, the U.S. State Department, and the CIA, that Iran is the foremost state sponsor of terrorism.

Iran and 9/11: Down the Rabbit Hole of Blame

Preface: Given the new attempt to use documents (cough fake?) linking Iran and 9/11, this piece is timely indeed ...

Background here.

By Kristen Breitweiser, one of the four 9/11 widows – known as the “Jersey Girls” – instrumental in forcing the government to form the 9/11 Commission to investigate the 2001 attacks. Follow Kristen Breitweiser on Twitter:
