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US government

Ron Paul: Much Ado About Restrooms

Submitted by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

Debates over the US government’s foreign and economic policies have recently taken a backseat to the debate over what bathroom transgender individuals should use. The two sides of the debate both believe that government has the legitimate authority to tell private businesses who they should allow to use their facilities. Few on either side of this debate defend the right of private property owners to decide for themselves who may and may not use their bathrooms.



As we explain in our book Splitting Pennies - the world is not as we think!  Every day, our money is worth less and less, and markets become more cumbersome, regulated, and overall disfunctional (except for an elite group of billionaires that can front run orders due to advanced computer-aided execution because of 'order types').  We explained in an article about America's Big Red Forex Button, now we need to elaborate on the 'nuclear option' - considering that leading generals are saying more and more that war with Russia is 'plausible' if not 'likely'.

America's Big Red Forex Button - MOST IMPORTANT FOREX FACT

America's Big Red Forex Button - MOST IMPORTANT FOREX FACT

We have written extensively on the topic of Forex and even published an in-depth book about key points "Splitting Pennies - Understanding Forex" - and in the process we've learned what investors don't know about Forex and how it fuels market fears.  So now we'd like to elaborate on the MOST IMPORTANT FACT INVESTORS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT FOREX, and to a lesser extent the markets in general.

The Government Breaks Through On Deficit Reduction, Will Lower Social Security Payments

The Government Breaks Through On Deficit Reduction, Will Lower Social Security Payments

It's well known that the US government is broke, and if it used accrual accounting instead of cash accounting it would be staggeringly worse, as all of its future liabilities would be shown. Knowing this, government officials are working tirelessly (and even on some weekends, much to the dismay of Jack Lew) to find ways to reduce spending. 

Thanks to all of those long nights scrubbing the budget line by line, a way to save costs has finally been found. As MarketWatch reports,
