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US government

Guest Post: How To Defeat Your Government

Submitted by Robert Gore via,

In a recent article, “How to Defeat Your Enemies,” we maintained that governments and their people were natural enemies, and that the most powerful adversarial tactic is “getting one’s enemies to fool themselves.” The article detailed the effective use of this tactic by Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda. The question arises: how can the American people use it against their natural adversary, the US government?

US Gives Up Oversight Of Internet, Moves Towards Decentralization

The US government is to surrender its control of internet’s underlying technology this year, giving up the administration of Internet IPs & Domain Names and moving towards a more global governance. For the first time since American academics launched the network 47 years ago, the gate-keeping of online addresses will be decentralized to include foreign governments, businesses and individual users, in a symbolic move that is made to reflect the integrity of the system that allows access to the World Wide Web.

Putin: Russia Is Ready To Show Proof That 9/11 Was An Inside Job

Russian President Vladimir Putin has named the date he plans to release proof that the US government and intelligence agencies were responsible for the “controlled demolition” of the World Trade Centre in the 9/11 attacks. Like a boxer confident in his own strength, Putin has been absorbing pressure from the US and biding his time, waiting for the right moment to strike. The evidence is so explosive he knows he only has to hit once.
