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We Are All Going To Die!

We Are All Going To Die!

We Are All Going To Die!


Cognitive Dissonance



This one is short and sweet folks. The subject alone could fill several books, so I decided to keep it contained to just a few……OK, five pages. With that in mind, I present the basic outline and ask you to let your imagination be your guide. One word of advice; if you find yourself triggered and defending not discussing or thinking about this subject (or screaming at me that you do) you just might be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.


Where Is The Outrage: With Shkreli Under House Arrest, Drug Prices Are Still Soaring

Last September, when Martin Shkreli was doing his best to become the "most hated person in America" with his highly profiled 5000% price increase of a Turing Pharma toxoplasmosis drug, in an article titled "Dear Martin Shkreli: This Is How You Hike Drug Prices" we said hate him if you must, but not for his price hiking practices for one simple reason: everyone else does that.