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How Much Land does the U.S. Military Control in Each State?

How Much Land does the U.S. Military Own in Each State?

The United States spends an unparalleled amount of money on its military⁠—about $778 billion each year to be precise.

Additionally, the U.S. military also owns, leases, or operates an impressive real estate portfolio with buildings valued at $749 billion and a land area of 26.9 million acres⁠, of which around 98% is located within the United States.

Vietnam Anyone? US Lawmakers Call For Military Advisors To Ukraine!

A bipartisan group from the US Congress on a junket to Kiev have called for the Biden Administration to begin sending US military "advisors" to Ukraine. Not to the frontline (right away) they say. What could go wrong? Also today: Hungary's Orban delivers a blistering speech on Europe's failed Ukraine policy. North Carolina the whole police force quits. You'll never believe why. Watch today's Liberty Report:

Terror Threat? US Supremes 'Should Never Know Peace Again'

An instructor at the Harvard Law School has Tweeted a threat against the US Supreme Court over its recent overturning of Roe v. Wade: the Justices should "never know peace again." Twitter has taken no action against the threat. Why? Also today: As the US Army faces unprecedented recruitment challenges, today it kicks out 60,000 soldiers...for refusing the Covid shot! Finally: Newsom presides over the worst schools in the he goes to Washington for an education award! Make sense? Watch today's Liberty Report:

Uprising! BoJo Dumped In UK As Farmers Dump Manure On Dutch Government!

As UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson finally had his stiff white knuckles pried from power yesterday, the rest of Europe - starting with Holland - is erupting in massive protests. Is this the beginning of the end for Europe's Covid-lockdowning, Ukraine-obsessed, WEF-hob-nobbing elite? Mises Institute President Jeff Deist joins today's Liberty Report. Watch today's Liberty Report:
