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Forgotten Interview Reveals How Russia Really Views Obama's Legacy

Forgotten Interview Reveals How Russia Really Views Obama's Legacy

Authored by Darius Shatahmasebi via,

An overlooked interview of Maria Zakharova with Russia’s 1 TV Channel, Russia’s Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, on a national Russian TV show has brought insight into the frustration Russia encountered in dealing with the Obama administration over the years. Zakharova suggested President Barack Obama will go down in history as one of America’s evilest presidents.

US Says Russia’s Condemnation of Damascus Bomb Attacks Unfair to Suicide Bombers

US Says Russia’s Condemnation of Damascus Bomb Attacks Unfair to Suicide Bombers

The West’s response to the deadly twin bomb attacks in Damascus on Saturday continues to shock even the most hardened cynics.

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George Soros Fuels Riots In Macedonia Amid Gov Meltdown

George Soros Fuels Riots In Macedonia Amid Gov Meltdown

Billionaire George Soros has spent millions of dollars funding violent protests and riots in Macedonia, in a move designed to incite civil war and create a military conflict with Russia.  As tensions in Macedonia continue to rise, some Macedonians have launched a counter-effort to drive Soros out of the country before he brings the country to the brink of ruin and succeeds in installing his globalist agenda.

Shooting At School In Southern France Leaves Several Injured; France Issues Terrorist Attack Warning

Shooting At School In Southern France Leaves Several Injured; France Issues Terrorist Attack Warning

Update: French police say one man has been arrested and a second person is possibly on the run following a shooting at a high school in Grasse. Additionally, Reuters adds that the Grasse high school shooting was between 2 students and is not terror related, according to the Grasse Town Hall

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