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George Soros Fuels Riots In Macedonia Amid Gov Meltdown

Billionaire George Soros has spent millions of dollars funding violent protests and riots in Macedonia, in a move designed to incite civil war and create a military conflict with Russia.  As tensions in Macedonia continue to rise, some Macedonians have launched a counter-effort to drive Soros out of the country before he brings the country to the brink of ruin and succeeds in installing his globalist agenda. The unrest stems from Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov’s huge electoral defeat last year, which prompted opposition parties representing the Muslim Albanian minority to form a coalition requesting to be governed separately. reports: Ivanov refused to accept the proposed coalition government, claiming they would serve as puppets for the government in neighboring Albania. In response, protestors took to the streets across the country in what was called the “Colorful Revolution” – a protest similar to those organized with Western-backing in former Soviet nations, including the Rose Revolution in Georgia, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, and the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan. “The current government in Macedonia, elected freely just a year ago, has been under pressure by NGOs financed by the US and European governments as well as George Soros. The problem? Lack of enthusiasm about western sanctions on Russia and an [...]