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Princeton Historian: World War III Serious Threat

A Princeton University professor has warned of the imminent threat of world war III. Economic historian Harold James, who specialises in the history of Germany and European economic history, says the world is facing similar conditions that led to two previous world wars. Protectionism and exclusion is the word of the day in America. That could lead to armed conflict between east and west. While President Trump carries on from where Obama left off and turns the heat on China and Russia, the two long-time former enemies of the U.S.

Media Blackout: ‘Paris On Brink Of Civil War’ Warns Le Pen

Marine Le Pen has warned that Paris is on the brink of a total civil war, as media outlets across Europe refuse to report on the situation.  Paris has been under martial law for around 2 years with riots, rape and murder filling the suburban streets. With French police routinely fleeing from armed rioters, Marine Le Pen has urged President Hollande to address the growing concern that Paris is about to fall into complete civil war as rioters close in on the city center.

"It Looks Like A War Zone": Trump Vindicated After Violent Riot Erupts In Swedish Suburb

"It Looks Like A War Zone": Trump Vindicated After Violent Riot Erupts In Swedish Suburb

As we reported last night, just days after the media mocked Trump for his allegations of major problems with Swedish migrant policies, the president was vindicated after a violent riot broke out in the borough of Rinkeby, also known as "little Mogadishu." Now that the incident is over, in their "post-mortem" Swedish officials confirm that riots erupted in the "heavily immigrant Stockholm suburb" Monday night, as masked looters set cars ablaze and threw rocks at cops, injuring one police officer, Swedish officials said.

UNICEF-Funded Water Pipeline Destroyed By Israeli Forces In West Bank

Israeli forces destroyed a UNICEF funded water pipeline in the occupied West Bank on Monday. The Ma’an news agency reported that Israeli bulldozers demolished a pipeline in the Jordan Valley region, which provided water for at least 47 Palestinian families. Sputnik news reports: The pipeline was funded by the United Nations Children’s Funds (UNICEF) with a construction cost worth 12,500 euros ($13,270), the news agency specified.
