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Tulsi Gabbard Versus "Regime Change" Wars

Tulsi Gabbard Versus "Regime Change" Wars

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is a rare member of Congress willing to take heat for challenging U.S. “regime change” projects, in part, because as an Iraq War vet she saw the damage these schemes do, as retired Col. Ann Wright explains to

I support Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, going to Syria and meeting with President Bashar al-Assad because the congresswoman is a brave person willing to take criticism for challenging U.S. policies that she believes are wrong.

America Is No Longer Top Dog: Chinese Military "Reaching Near-Parity" With The West

America Is No Longer Top Dog: Chinese Military "Reaching Near-Parity" With The West

Submitted by Daniel Lang via,

The United States military is without a doubt the most technologically advanced force on the planet, and has been since at least World War II. Most Western nations are likewise, heavily dependent on advanced technology. When the West wins wars, it’s not because of moxy or numbers or cunning. It’s because we can detonate our enemies from miles away on a whim.

Four NATO Nations Would Choose Russia Over U.S. to Defend Them

When asked which military power they’d want fighting on their side if attacked, citizens of four NATO nations said they would choose Russia. A Gallup poll has revealed that citizens of Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria and Slovenia would rather have Russia defending them than the US, reflecting changing perceptions of the United States role in global security. RT reports: Between October and December 2016, WIN/Gallup International asked around a thousand people in 66 countries who would be their go-to ally if attacked.

"Welcome To Democracy" SecDef Mattis Confirms Military Steadfast Amid White House Chaos

"Welcome To Democracy" SecDef Mattis Confirms Military Steadfast Amid White House Chaos

Amid implicit acknowledgement of turmoil in The White House, Trump's Defense Secretary Jim Mattis reassured the world that the US military was "not in disarray", but was "holding the line" as government "sorts out the way ahead."

After shrugging off President Trump's 'media as enemy' narrative:

