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World War 3 Is Approaching

World War 3 Is Approaching

“In a nuclear war the “collateral damage” would be the life of all humanity.” — Fidel Castro

Paul Craig Roberts

The Russians, in their anxiety to show the West how friendly they are, left Washington with a toe hold in Syria, which Washington is using to reopen the war. The Russians’ failure to finish the job has left Washington’s foreign mercenaries, misrepresented in the American presstitute media as “freedom fighters,” in a Syrian enclave. To get the war going again, Washington has to find a way to come to the aid of its mercenaries.

Putin’s State of the Union

Putin’s State of the Union

Paul Craig Roberts

Putin has given a remarkable address to the Federal Assembly, the Russian People, and the peoples of the world.

In his speech Putin revealed the existence of new Russian nuclear weapons that make it undisputably clear that Russia has vast nuclear superiority over the United States and its pathic NATO vassal states.
In view of the Russian capabilities, it is not clear that the US any longer qualifies as a superpower.

Why Are We In Afghanistan?

Why Are We In Afghanistan?

It is long past time for someone in the shithole known as Washington to tell us why Americans have been killing and dying in Afghanistan for 17 years. Is it to steal the country’s minerals? Is it to control the location of pipelines? Is it to keep American taxpayers money flowing to the US military/security complex? Is it to finance the CIA’s black operations with drug profits? Or is it to prove that the neoconservatives’ dream of US world hegemony is a chimera?

Here are some questions for you from a voice you never have heard:
