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Julian Assange to Speak Publicly Next Week

In late June, Julian Assange returned to Australia a free man after years of suffering in harsh conditions in a Britain prison with the threat of extradition to the United States hanging over him. Since then, the WikiLeaks founder, who the US government sought to prosecute for exposing US dirty secrets including related to US military actions, has not spoken publicly. That will change by October 1.

US Military to Leave Iraq

In August, the news arrived that United States military forces and assets had been removed from Niger. Writing about this development, I opined on August 6 that “the US would be well served to start initiating the withdrawal of its military from many additional countries.” A month later, it looks like an agreement is in place for such a withdrawal from another country — Iraq.

Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election

By Brandon Smith

The purpose of NATO involvement in the Ukraine War has, to me, always appeared obvious. Ukraine has nothing to do with the interests of the western public, nothing to do with the security of Europe and nothing to do with the economic advancement of the United States. Yet, NATO and the globalists have been politically interfering in the region since at least 2014 and preparing the ground for an eventual war with Russia.

Major Draft Resistance in Israel

Facing mounting deaths, injuries, and exhaustion among its troops in its ongoing war in Gaza, while desiring to escalate the war in Lebanon and beyond, the Israel government began in July to expand conscription to include “ultra-orthodox” men who were previously exempt. That plan, in its first month of implementation, seems not to be going well for the government.
