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Finnish PM: Putin Not So Bad, NATO Lame, Greatest Threats To Europe Are Terrorism And Migration

Finnish Prime Minister Sauli Niinistö made it clear to CNBC last week that while Russia's actions involving Crimea must come to a peaceful resolution, the most important issues facing Europe right now are terrorism and migration. Despite Finland pledging $55 Million Euros to NATO, Niinistö also made it clear that European nations need to ultimately be responsible for their own security.

I think that Europeans start to understand that they have to take more responsibility of their own security, in spite of the fact that they are members of NATO.

Palestinians Protest Against Settlements & Separation Wall In West Bank

Palestinians have been protesting the construction of Israeli settlements and a separation wall in the occupied West Bank. This month marks the eleventh year since Palestinians in Bilin started weekly protests against Israeli plans to build a concrete wall through village land. Villagers continue to demand their rights and an end to the Israeli occupation. Demonstrations took place on Friday in the villages of Bil’in and Ni’lin near the central city of Ramallah, and in the village of Kafr Qaddum near the northern city of Nablus.

Buddhist Monks Tell HuffPo Emotions May Trump Judgement

The Huffington Post recently visited a monastery in southern France to interview Buddhist monks and nuns and ask for their advice on how best to deal with President Trump. Vietnam war activist and renowned Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh is an advocate of mindfulness and non violence. The Huffington Post interviewed the nuns and monks who practise Engaged Buddhism at the 90-year-old Zen master’s Plum Village monastery in southern France. What they learnt opened their minds. The fact that the world around us defines us and we define the world, hence all is one.

Like Trump, Russia Declares War On Fake News

As the “information war” heats up between east and west, Russia’s Foreign Ministry wades in the battle by planning a fact-checking service of its own to debunk “fake news.” Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova says that a fact-checking service will soon be launched that will collect and debunk any factually inaccurate international news stories that are put out by the “dishonest” western media. Her comments mirroring those of President Trump’s sentiments on “dishonest” U.S. media.

Pence Vows "Unwavering Support" For NATO, Pledges To Hold Russia "Accountable"

Pence Vows "Unwavering Support" For NATO, Pledges To Hold Russia "Accountable"

One day after John McCain made a questionable diplomatic outburst when as part of a US diplomatic tour meant to reassure Europe, and NATO, of Trump's support, the Senator told participants at a Security Conference in Munich that the Trump administration is in "disarray", on Saturday morning Vice President Mike Pence did his best to return to conventional foreign policy after he vowed that the United States will "hold Russia accountable." In an address to the Munich Security Conference, Pence assured European allies that the U.S.
