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Germany Issues Stark Warning To Trump: Stop Threatening The EU, Favoring Russia

Germany Issues Stark Warning To Trump: Stop Threatening The EU, Favoring Russia

Two days after the Pentagon's new chief Jim Mattis appeared before a full conference room in Brussels, and issued an ultimatum to NATO to boost spending or risk a cut in US support, Germany's Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen "fired a salvo of warnings" back at Washington, cautioning it against hurting European cohesion, abandoning core Western values and seeking a rapprochement with Russia behind the backs of its allies.

Federal Court: FBI Hid Evidence Saudi Arabia Orchestrated 9/11

A federal court has ordered the FBI to release top-secret evidence that proves Saudi Arabia helped orchestrate the 9/11 attacks.  In an unusual Freedom of Information Act trial in Miami scheduled for this March, the FBI has been forced to release information the agency withheld from the public in the 9/11 Review Commission. According to one disclosure, the FBI acknowledge that its agents had found “many connections” between Saudis living Sarasota and the 9/11 hijackers.

US Defense Chief Says No To Military Cooperation With Russia

President Trump’s defense secretary has said that he did not see possible military collaboration with Russia. “We are not in a position right now to collaborate on a military level” James Mattis told reporters on Thursday after talks at the NATO headquarters in Brussels. He accused Russia of violating international law, labeling their actions as “aggressive” and “destabilizing.” His comment are perhaps the strongest indication yet from the Trump administration that prospects for any significant cooperation between the U.S. and Russia against ISIS in Syria is unlikely anytime soon.

Putin Accuses NATO Of Trying To Draw Russia Into A Confrontation

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused NATO of constantly trying to provoke Russia in an attempt to draw them into a confrontation. He also said that members of the alliance continue to interfere in Russia’s domestic affairs. RT reports: The accusations came as Putin addressed senior members of the Russian intelligence agency FSB on Thursday.
