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Russian Ambassador Murderer Tracked To CIA Base In Iraq

Russian authorities have confirmed that the assassin of Turkish ambassador Andrey Karlov has ties to an American CIA base in Iraq.  After President Putin ordered an 18-person investigation into the assassination of Ambassador Karlov last week, investigators say they found strong evidence that proves Mevlut Mert Altintas was connected to a CIA base in Erbil Governorate in Iraq, and had been connected to the attempted coup against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erodgan in July.

Trump Sees Strength In Nuclear Weapons, Calls For Common Sense

Ever since the dawn of the atomic age man has faced the problem of proliferation of nuclear weapons and their potential for destroying the world and laying waste to vast swathes of the planet. After their initial use by the U.S. during the end of the second world war to force an unconditional surrender by Japan, nuclear weapons have not been used by either the East or West. Some have argued that as a matter of fact nuclear weapons have managed to keep the peace till now by acting as a deterrent, as all sides in a nuclear conflict face the prospect of mutual assured destruction (MAD).
