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Obama Becomes First Nobel Peace Prize Winner To Bomb 7 Countries

Barack Obama, the president who promised change, actually provided more of the same. As the 44th President of the United States prepares to exist stage left, he can congratulate himself on becoming the first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb seven different countries back to the Stone Age. The president who preached hope also kept the military-industrial complex in fine fettle, selling a record $115 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia, the world’s most repressive regime, and destabilized entire regions, creating vacuums for terrorists to thrive.

US-backed Rebels Caught Using Mustard Gas On Syrians

Syrian authorities have urged the international community to intervene after US-backed rebels were caught illegally using mustard gas on civilians. According to the government in Syria, a batch of documents proving that chemical weapons were used against Syrian citizens was handed over to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on December 12. Authorities also delivered samples from the shell containing mustard gas to The Hague. reports: “We have provided all the documents to the mission, they were vetted and accepted.

North Korea Has Better Military Than Expected

Military experts are warning that North Korea has recently improved its weapons and military capabilities across the board and is far more dangerous than previously thought. Sputnik reports: Last week, it was reported that the country had developed an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear payload to the US mainland. Only a crucial insulation issue remained to be solved to make the device truly threatening.

Syrian "Rebels" Attack, Burn Aleppo Evacuation Buses

While the UN condemns Syrian and Russian "atrocities" in the battle over East Aleppo, which as noted previously was a key victory for the Assad regime in the past week, one which will end the stalemate and sway the balance of power in the ongoing war between regime forces and US-coalition armed rebels, little attention had been paid to the subversive tactics employed by such "moderate rebels" as the al Qaeda linked al-Nusra front.
