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College Student Arrested After Carrying "Weapons" Into Trump Tower

College Student Arrested After Carrying "Weapons" Into Trump Tower

A 19-year-old college student was arrested Monday night after carrying a backpack full of weapons into Trump Tower, the New York Daily News reports.

Wang showed up at Trump Tower about 6:35 p.m. Monday and tried to get in at a checkpoint. When his bag set off the metal detector, the Secret Service moved in and asked him to open it. The Secret Service found an M-100 firework, a Swiss Army knife, a flashlight, handcuffs, an 8-foot black rope, a clear water gun, a laptop and a garrote, which of course is a wire that can be used to strangle someone.

Israel’s Minister Of Defense Outlines Plan To Divide Syria & Iraq

A call to divide Syria and Iraq by Israel’s minister defense minister helps make it clearer to understand why there are ‘civil wars’ taking place there… In an article for Defense News, Avigdor Liberman explains Israels struggle in a turbulent Middle East and suggests solutions to the problems, including the division of Syria and Iraq along sectarian lines. American Herald Tribune reports: In a similar tone to those of the Israeli politicians, Liberman waste no time to call the legitimate forces of Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon as terrorist forces.

Paul Joseph Watson Dismantles Fabricated Russian Narrative

Paul Joseph Watson's latest video, once again, systematically deconstructs the hypocrisy of the left and their latest dangerous effort to undermine the entire 2016 presidential election by utilizing their friends in the media to spin the Russian election hacking narrative without a single shred of actual evidence.  While the full video is posted below, as always below are a couple of our favorite lines.

On the left's inability to process their loss and willingness to risk anything and everything to have it overturned:

Celebrations In Aleppo As City Is Liberated By Syrian Army

Aleppo has been officially liberated after the Syrian army ousted rebels from their remaining bastions in the eastern part of the city. 🇸🇾✌️Joy and excitement of the people in Aleppo tonight as they celebrate the Syrian Army victory after 4 long years of battle — M Green (@MmaGreen) December 12, 2016 Syrian forces made significant advances earlier on Monday leaving only three residential blocks in the hands of anti-government forces and hundreds of rebels laid down their arms and surrendered to the Syrian army.

FBI Agents Prepare To Counter CIA Coup Against Trump

FBI agents have had their holiday leave cancelled amid fears of an attempted coup by the CIA to overthrow President-elect Donald Trump. According to reports, all 35,000 agents are on standby to stop a bid by the Central Intelligence Agency from overthrowing the democratically elected president of the United States. The FBI have relocated most of its SWAT teams to the MacDill Air Force Base in Florida where they have been placed under a joint command structure with the US Militaries Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). The move comes after President Obama told U.S.
