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NATO's Rear-Guard Actions

Submitted by Brian Cloughley via,

In the military a rearguard action is defined as ‘a defensive action carried out by a retreating army’ and it is an appropriate description of the desperate scrabbling by NATO to convince the rest of the world — and especially Donald Trump — that its existence is justified.

Turkey To Assassinate Assad – World Prepares For World War 3

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has authorised troops in Syria to assassinate President Bashar Assad, which experts have warned will spark a war between Turkey and Russia.  “We entered [Syria] to end the rule of the tyrant al-Assad who terrorizes with state terror. [We didn’t enter] for any other reason,” Erdogan announced at the first Inter-Parliamentary Jerusalem Platform Symposium in Istanbul. Russia has previously warned that any nation attempting to remove Assad will be met by the full force of the Russian military.

Obama Creates New Al-Qaeda Out Of Thin Air To Justify His Somalia War

Obama Creates New Al-Qaeda Out Of Thin Air To Justify His Somalia War

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

An article published in The New York Times this past Sunday perfectly demonstrates how out of control and unconstitutional America’s foreign policy has become. It highlights the latest war being perpetrated by the Obama administration, which is expanding with very little scrutiny from the press or the government branch supposedly in charge of waging war, the U.S. Congress.
