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America Preparing "Bloody Nose" Military Attack On North Korea: Telegraph

America Preparing "Bloody Nose" Military Attack On North Korea: Telegraph

While North Korea managed to once again drop off the list of immediate geopolitical concerns having kept relative quiet in recent weeks, without any notable provocations or ICBM launches, this may be changing soon, because according to the Telegraph, America is drawing up plans for a “bloody nose” military attack on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons program. The UK newspaper's sources claim that the White House has “dramatically” stepped up preparation for a military solution in recent months amid fears diplomacy is not working.

German Antifa Group Posts Revenge "Hit List" Of 54 Police Officers

German Antifa Group Posts Revenge "Hit List" Of 54 Police Officers

A "left-wing extremist" group in Germany associated with Antifa published a list of 54 police officers believed to have taken part in raids of suspected rioters protesting the G20 summit in Hamburg, with  the group calling for the public to 'dox' the officers by sending in their personal information.

"We would be pleased about tips regarding where they live or can be met privately," reads the post

North Korea Reportedly Testing Anthrax-Tipped ICBMs

North Korea Reportedly Testing Anthrax-Tipped ICBMs

US intelligence believes North Korea is still between 12 and 18 months away from gaining the ability to load a nuclear warhead onto one of its ICBMs, but South Korean intelligence reportedly has credible evidence that Kim Jong Un and his regime have begun testing loading anthrax onto the country’s ICBMs, according to Japan's Asahi newspaper.

As Asahi reports (via Google Translate)

Rocket-Launcher Turned In During San Francisco Gun Buyback

Rocket-Launcher Turned In During San Francisco Gun Buyback

Over the weekend, it was supposed to be just another gun buyback event for San Francisco police, but that wasn’t the case at all.

In total, 280 firearms were exchanged for cash by officers, however, one individual took advantage of the “ask no questions” policy and handed over an M136 AT4 Anti-tank rocket launcher.

Yes, a rocket launcher, this deadly device is made by Saab and it’s used to blow up heavily armored tanks.
