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Is The Army Preparing For A Major Deployment: Orders 177,000 Bulletproof Armor Plates

Is The Army Preparing For A Major Deployment: Orders 177,000 Bulletproof Armor Plates

Traditionally, the best way to keep track of future military deployments - absent unexpected events, of course - has been to follow key procurement contracts from the U.S. Department of Defense of mission critical offensive wartime equipment such as weapons and ammo, or, less followed, core defensive components such as kevlar, body armor and other forms of core personal protective gear. These usually take place shortly prior to major "events" involving US armed forces.

ISIS Execute 25 In Mosul Using Nitric Acid

ISIS have tortured and executed 25 people using nitric acid in Mosul, northern Iraq. The terrorists are also forcing civilians to execute hostages from the Iraqi security forces. The executions are taking place in public to frighten other people AlAlam reports: The Arabic-language al-Sumaria news website quoted an informed source as saying that the terrorists killed the people for cooperating with and spying for the Iraqi security forces.

Venezuelan Police Unleash Tear-Gas, Rubber Bullets Amid Violent Anti-Government Protests

Venezuelan Police Unleash Tear-Gas, Rubber Bullets Amid Violent Anti-Government Protests

The conflagration that is the collapse of a socilaist utopia continues to escalate in Venezuela today. With morgues overflowing, medicines running out, and apocalyptic scenes playing out across the nation, Venezuelans took to the streets of Caracas today - at the behest of the opposition - demanding a recall referendum to end Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's socialist rule. The troubled nations leader was not happy and security forces fired tear gas and shut subway stations to block the thousands of protesters.

Corbyn: Tony Blair’s Lies On Iraq Will Be Exposed By Chilcot Report

Jeremy Corbyn has said that Tony Blair’s lies about weapons of mass destruction and his secret war pact with former US President George W Bush will be exposed by the Chilcot Inquiry.   Last year Labour Party leader said that Mr Blair should stand trial for war crimes if it was found he had broken the law over the 2003 conflict. Sir John Chilcot is due to finally release his long-delayed report on the legality of the 2003 Iraq invasion on July 6, seven years after the inquiry was commissioned and less than a fortnight after the EU referendum.
