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Russia Forced To Neutralise Threats From NATO Anti-Missile Shield

Russia is being forced to look for ways to neutralise threats to its national security following the deployment of the NATO anti-missile shield in Europe. “Now, after the deployment of those anti-missile system elements, we’ll be forced to think about neutralizing developing threats to Russia’s security”  Russian President Vladimir Putin said adding that Russia is making every effort to maintain the strategic balance of power to avoid the outbreak of large-scale conflicts. The alliance launched the missile defense site in Romania on Thursday.

WW3: U.S. And Russia At Odds Over New Anti-Missile Site In Romania

U.S. and Russia are about to face a nuclear stand-off that has the potential to lead to WW3. The two old super-power rivals are talking past each other when it comes to the deployment of the new U.S anti-missile system in eastern Europe aimed at allegedly stopping Iranian missiles. Russia understandably sees it as a direct threat by the fact of its proximity, likening it to Russia deploying anti-missile systems in Cuba and arguing that it is not directed at the U.S. but a rogue state beyond.

Right Wing Hindus Ask The Gods To Help Donald Trump Win Election

Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim stance has gained favor among some of India’s right-wing Hindus who share his views about Muslims. Members of the Delhi-based Hindu Sena are asking for divine intervention to help Donald Trump become the next U.S. president. Hindu Sena organised a Hawan (prayer ritual) on Wednesday at the popular monument Jantar Mantar in New Delhi, chanting invocations, asking for the Republican nominee’s success in the 2016 US elections.

Zionist Israel Hides Its Crimes Behind Its Smears of Truth-Tellers

Zionist Israel Hides Its Crimes Behind Its Smears of Truth-Tellers

Paul Craig Roberts

Several years ago two very distinguished American scholars wrote a book, The Israel Lobby.

The book made a very understated case that the Israel Lobby has far more power over the US government and media than is good for America or Israel, as it silences constructive critics who are Israel’s friends. The two scholars were demonized by the Israel Lobby as advocating the return of the Holocaust.

US Activating Missile Shield Over Europe Despite Warnings From Russia

The United States is about to activate its missile systems across Europe, despite Russia warning against increasing US-led arms deployment near its borders. The missile defence shield that cost billions of dollars will go live tomorrow almost a decade after Washington proposed protecting NATO from Iranian rockets. American and NATO officials will declare the shield, which is located at a remote air base in Deveselu, Romania, is operational despite Russian warnings that the West is threatening the peace in central Europe.
