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Right Wing Hindus Ask The Gods To Help Donald Trump Win Election

Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim stance has gained favor among some of India’s right-wing Hindus who share his views about Muslims. Members of the Delhi-based Hindu Sena are asking for divine intervention to help Donald Trump become the next U.S. president. Hindu Sena organised a Hawan (prayer ritual) on Wednesday at the popular monument Jantar Mantar in New Delhi, chanting invocations, asking for the Republican nominee’s success in the 2016 US elections. International Business Times reports: Hindu Sena members were pictured conducting the ritual while surrounded by statues of Hindu gods, as well as several images of Trump. Above where they sat, a huge banner read: “Hindu Sena supports Donald Trump: Hope for humanity against Islamic Terror”. Speaking to the Associated Press, Vishnu Gupta, founder of the Hindu Sena, said: “The whole world is screaming against Islamic terrorism, and even India is not safe from it. Only Donald Trump can save humanity.” Members of the right-wing Hindu group lit a ritualistic fire and chanted Sanskrit prayers, which reportedly appealed to the gods to help Trump with his victory in the US elections. The Hindu Sena members also threw offerings into the fire, such as seeds, grass and ghee (condensed butter). The term [...]