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Russia Forced To Neutralise Threats From NATO Anti-Missile Shield

Russia is being forced to look for ways to neutralise threats to its national security following the deployment of the NATO anti-missile shield in Europe. “Now, after the deployment of those anti-missile system elements, we’ll be forced to think about neutralizing developing threats to Russia’s security”  Russian President Vladimir Putin said adding that Russia is making every effort to maintain the strategic balance of power to avoid the outbreak of large-scale conflicts. The alliance launched the missile defense site in Romania on Thursday. A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said Russian defense experts considered the site a threat. RT reports: The US missile shield in Europe is a clear violation of Russian-American arms treaties, Putin said at a meeting with Russian military officials, adding that the anti-missile facilities can be easily repurposed for firing short and midrange missiles. The US anti-missile shield in Europe is yet another step in increasing international tensions and launching a new arms race, he stressed. “We’re not going to be dragged into this race. We’ll go our own way. We’ll work very accurately without exceeding the plans to finance the re-equipment of our Army and Navy, which have already been laid out for the next several years,” [...]