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Five Deadly Terror Attacks Which Failed To Grab Media Attention

The terror attacks in Paris and Brussels have rightly caused huge outrage across the world, but as millions in the West took to social media to share their anger and grief, there are numerous other attacks across the globe that go largely unreported in the mainstream media. The list below complied by RT highlights just five that have been largely forgotten: NIGERIA – Over 80 killed, children burned to death On January 30, Boko Haram terrorists killed 86 people after they attacked a village in northeast Nigeria.

Serbia: Thousands Protest Against NATO Deal In Belgrade

Thousands took the streets of Belgrade on Sunday in protest at Serbia’s recent cooperation agreement with NATO The deal which was signed in February, guarantees diplomatic immunity and freedom of movement throughout Serbia for NATO troops. The protest was the second public demonstration this week. A similar protest was held on March 24th, coinciding with date the NATO bombing campaign began 17 years ago. RT reports: The troops are to uphold peace and stability in the region in exchange.

Israel Approves New Law To Punish Palestinian ‘Terrorists’ Under Age Of 14

Israel have approved a new law proposed by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked which will allow Palestinian kids under the age of 14 to be imprisoned.  Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked had originally proposed the bill following an aggressive campaign to charge a 13-year-old Palestinian boy with attempted murder for allegedly stabbing two Jewish Israelis. “Unfortunately, terror does not have an age, and today there are no punishments matching the cruel reality we face,” she said.
