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Putin Congratulates Assad On Defeating ISIS

Russian President Vladimir Putin has congratulated Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on defeating ISIS in the city of Palmyra.  The Syrian army reclaimed the ancient city of Palmyra from ISIS militants who had captured the city last May. reports: “Assad highly valued the help Russian air forces have provided and underlined that such successes as regaining Palmyra would have been impossible without Russia’s support,” Dmitry Peskov said,according to Reuters. Regaining the ancient city has been widely viewed as a victory over the terror group after they captured the capitol back in May of last year. Peskov added that President Putin told Assad that he would continue supporting Damascus in the fight against the Islamic State, the Russian news agency TASS reports. “Palmyra was demolished more than once through the centuries and we will restore it anew so it will be a treasure of cultural heritage for the world.” Assad previoulsy called the achievement “fresh proof of the efficiency of the Syrian army and its allies in fighting terrorism,”Al-Arabiya English reports. Mamoun Abdulkarim, head of Syria’s Archeology and Museums General Directorate, told USA Today that the government would soon begin efforts to rebuild the damage caused by militants. “The general and known viewpoint prefers not [...]