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Tony Blair: West Must Prepare To Send Ground Troops To Crush ISIS

The Infamous war criminal Tony Blair believes that ground troops should be considered in the fight against ISIS. He said that Britain and its western allies must be prepared to send ground troops to “crush” ISIS or risk a terror attack in Europe of “such size and horror” that draconian security measures would have to be introduced. Blair also thinks that David Cameron would be ideal to lead the fight against Islamism within Europe if he wins the EU referendum The Guardian reports: In a lengthy article on the Brussels bombings, the former prime minister said local forces could be used against Isis in Iraq, Syria and Libya. But he said western ground forces would eventually be needed to defeat Isis as it sought to create a caliphate. Blair wrote in the Sunday Times: “We must build military capability able to confront and defeat the terrorists wherever they try to hold territory. This is not just about local forces. It is a challenge for the west. Ground forces are necessary to win this fight and ours are the most capable.” The allied countries carrying out airstrikes against Isis targets in Syria and Iraq, including the UK and US, have so [...]