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Saudi Sentences Man To 2,000 Lashes And 10 Years In Prison For Atheism

A court in Saudi Arabia has ruled that terrorism can now be defined as “calling for atheist thought in any form” and has sentenced a man to 10 years in prison and 2,000 lashes for expressing his atheist beliefs on social media.  The 28-year-old has admitted to being an atheist and refused to repent, saying that what he wrote were his personal beliefs and that he mistakingly believed he had the right to express them.

Hezbollah Has Improved Fighting Capability Thanks To Russia

Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah fighters in Syria fighting the civil war alongside government troops have improved their fighting capabilities and learnt modern military tactics from their Russian allies. Hezbollah has suffered 1,300 casualties in Syria , with thousands more of its fighters injured and had to resort to recruiting teenagers recently. But the tide of war has turned since the involvement of the Russians and the organisations increased strength now has significant political and security implications for the Middle-East.

U.S. Test Fires Nuclear Missile, Warns Russia “We’re Prepared To Use Nukes”

On Thursday night the U.S. test-fired its second intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in the last seven days, as a clear warning to Russia that America is prepared to use a nuclear missile against Russia in the future.  The Minuteman III missile was fired from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, racing across the sky at 15,000 mph before landing 30 minutes later at Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands of the South Pacific.

Caught On Tape: U.S. Test Fires Nuclear ICBM, Warns "We Are Prepared To Use Nuclear Weapons"

Less than two years ago, news of Russia test-firing an ICBM just as the east Ukraine civil war was heating up, was sufficient to send the stock market into a brief tailspin. Since then, the launches of nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles has become an almost daily occurrence, with the market hardly batting an eyelid.
