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Horrific: 150 Kurds ‘Burned Alive’ By Turkish Military In Huge Massacre

A Turkish MP has confirmed that military forces in Turkey have “burned alive” over 150 Kurds trapped in basements in Turkey’s southeast.  Feleknas Ucatold, a member of the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (PKK), claims: “In the Cizre district of Sırnak, around 150 people have been burned alive in different buildings by Turkish military forces. Some corpses were found without heads. Some were burned completely, so that autopsy is not possible“.

Invasion Of Syria With Lead To Nuclear War, Putin Warns

As Turkey and Saudi Arabia threaten to invade Syria, a source close to President Vladimir Putin has warned that any such action will spark a nuclear war with Russia.  According to Robert Parry – the investigative reporter who broke the Iran-Contra story: A source close to Russian President Vladimir Putin told me that the Russians have warned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Moscow is prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons if necessary to save their troops in the face of a Turkish-Saudi onslaught.

Hezbollah: Saudi Arabia Sponsors Terrorism, Doesn’t Fight It

Hezbollah have accused Saudi Arabia of actively supporting terrorism in response to Saudi’s decision to suspend aid to the Lebanese army.  The Lebanese resistance organisation said that Saudi Arabia’s decision to pull support for the army exposes its false claims of ‘combating terrorism’. reports: Earlier, Saudi Arabia suspended a $3-billion package to the Lebanese army and a remainder of $1 billion in aid to its internal security forces. The $3-billion package was provided to Lebanon to buy military equipment from France.

$500 Million In ISIS Cash "Reserves" Destroyed By US Airstrikes, Officials Swear

$500 Million In ISIS Cash "Reserves" Destroyed By US Airstrikes, Officials Swear

On Thursday, we revealed something truly shocking: ISIS is no longer handing out free Snickers bars and Gatorade to its fighters.

Apparently, the cash crunch created by Russia’s unrelenting assault on the group’s illicit oil trafficking operation has left Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi with little choice but to cut salaries by 50% and eliminate some of the perks soldiers have until now enjoyed.

Like free candy bars.

And complementary sports beverages.
