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6 Dead In Bomb Attack On military Convoy In SE Turkey

Six military personnel were killed and one seriously wounded in an explosion that hit a military convoy in the southeast of Turkey. The blast that was reportedly caused by a home-made device  and follows yesterday car bomb attack that killed  28 people in the Turkish capital of Ankara. RT reports: The military also said that a handmade bomb was detonated by remote control while the military vehicle was searching for mines on the highway linking Diyarbakir to the district of Lice, Reuters reports.

Hungarian Central Bank Hoards 200,000 Bullets, Hundreds Of Guns Due To "Security Risks"

Hungarian Central Bank Hoards 200,000 Bullets, Hundreds Of Guns Due To "Security Risks"

If we learned anything last September it’s that Janet Yellen’s reaction function now includes domestic and global financial markets.

Well that, and we learned that Hungarian PM Viktor Orban isn’t playing around when it comes to Europe’s worsening refugee crisis. While everyone else in Europe was busy trying to figure out how to accommodate the millions of asylum seekers fleeing the war-torn Mid-East, Orban simply built a razor wire border fence.

And then he built another one.

Turkey: 28 Killed In Car Bomb Explosion

28 people have been killed and a further 61 injured in a large military car bomb explosion in Turkey’s capital city Ankara on Wednesday night.  Officials say the car bomb targeted military personnel who were travelling in a vehicle which was stopped at a traffic light. reports: The death toll rose steadily on Wednesday night, with those wounded in the blast sent to hospitals across the city. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for an urgent emergency meeting with top level security officials in Ankara.

Gov Officials Admit Turkey Has REPEATEDLY Carried Out False Flag Terror

Terror attacks have repeatedly rocked Turkey over the last year.

The government has blamed ISIS and Kurds for the attacks ... and is about to use this "justification" to launch troops into Syria.

But there is an alternative explanation.  Specifically, government officials have admitted that Turkey has repeatedly carried out false flag attacks.

For example:
