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Syrian Army Uncover More Evidence That Turkey Support ISIS

The Syrian army have found more evidence of Turkey assisting drug smuggling terrorist organisations such as ISIS, after the they freed two strategic villages of Masqan and Ahras.  Sources in Masqan village said ISIS militants fled the battlefield following the surprise Syrian army attack on terrorists’ positions in the region. reports: They added that the terrorist groups had turned a school in Masqan into their medical center in which a large number of Turkey-made medical packages and drugs were found, a proof of Ankara’s logistic support for the militants. The Turkish Army, worried about the imminent collapse of terrorist-held lands in Northern Syria, has sent more military equipment and troops to one of the Turkish border cities near Syria following the recent victories of the Syrian army and Kurdish fighters against the militants in the provinces of Aleppo and Lattakia, Turkish media disclosed on Wednesday. The city of Kilis in the Southern part of Turkey near the border with Syria and the Gaziantep-Aleppo highway has been the destination of a growing number of Turkish army troops and their modern arms and military equipment, the Turkish language news agency, Duqan reported.