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"We Are In A New Cold War": Russia PM Delivers Stark Warning To NATO

"We Are In A New Cold War": Russia PM Delivers Stark Warning To NATO

It was just two days ago when Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev warned that if Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar invade Syria in a transparent attempt to shore up their Sunni proxy armies currently under siege by Moscow’s warplanes and Hezbollah, a “new world war” would be inevitable.

He also indicated that such a conflict would likely drag on for “decades.”

Turkey & Saudi Arabia May Launch Ground Operation In Syria

The deployment of Saudi jets and forces to Turkey’s İncirlik military base has prompted speculation of an imminent ground invasion of Syria. The Saudis say that Syrian President Assad must go and declare that they want to defeat ISIS, but what are they really doing in the region? The Independent reports: Confirmation of the Saudi deployment came from the Turkish foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, and shows a calibrated policy by two states, who consider themselves to be heavyweights and who are both currently badly losing out in Syria.

Russia Destroys The CIA’s Arms Smuggling Operation In Syria

Perhaps this is why Washington is so keen for peace and calling very loudly for a ceasefire in Syria. The Russian military successfully closed the Azaz Corridor, a narrow strip of land that connected Turkey to the rebel forces in Aleppo. The corridor had been a major supply route for the “moderate rebels” in Syria and that it is now closed should be seen as a crippling military defeat for the United States. Russia Insider reports: As analysts have pointed out, US Secretary of State John Kerry repeatedly implored Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to keep the Azaz corridor open.

60-Mile ‘Gap Of The Apocalypse’ Sealed Off To Avert World War 3

Russia and the United States have reached an historic agreement to join military forces and close a 60-mile section of the border between Syria and Turkey nicknamed the “Gap of the Apocalypse” – which Prime Minister Medvedev has warned could spark World War 3 if it is not sealed off.  The 60-mile border along the Turkish-Syrian border has allowed Turkey and Saudi Arabia to secretly arm ISIS militants and al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front terrorists.
