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Shaking Up the Democratic Party

By demanding a “revolution” to shift power away from Wall Street, Sen. Sanders is attracting millions of young Americans who want fundamental change. He’s also upsetting the Democratic establishment which favors only incremental “reforms” acceptable to corporate interests, as Norman Solomon notes. By Norman Solomon Forty-eight years ago, a serious insurrection jeopardized the power structure of the…

Obama Escalates Tensions With Russia As Media Keeps Quiet

Retired professor of Russian studies and history at Princeton, Stephen F. Cohen, warns that a nuclear war between Russia and the West looms on the horizon. The Pentagon has announced that it will quadruple US-NATO military forces in countries verging on Russia’s borders. The move by the Obama Administration to have the two opposing forces so close to each other would then necessitate a response from Russia. The presstitute media and the U.S. presidential campaigns prefer to ignore this dire international dilemma.

Ex-ISIS Fighter Reveals Daesh Plans To Nuke 4 Major Cities

An ex-ISIS militant has come forward and said that the terrorist regime possess at least 4 nuclear weapons, located in 4 major cities around the world, ready to detonate. According to Sallah Abdeslam the ‘clash of civilisations’ is scheduled to begin in 2016. He says that in Germany alone there are 18,000 terrorist cells waiting to commit untold catastrophe in Europe. He also says that nuclear bombs will be launched in United States, Germany, France and Russia.

Drone Footage Shows Devastated City Of Homs In Syria

Startling drone footage reveals the scale of destruction in Syria after nearly five years of conflict. Huffington Post reports: RT correspondent Murad Gazdiev and his crew flew a drone through Hom’s abandoned streets and over its buildings, revealing haunting aerial views of a lifeless city of rubble. Syria’s third largest city, Homs was once a thriving industrial centre. RT YouTube video: In 2011 it become known as the “capital of the revolution” against the Assad regime and consequently the scene of some of the heaviest battles of the Syrian civil war.

Saudi Arabia Uncover And Arrest 9 CIA Agents Working For ISIS

Russian authorities have confirmed that Saudi Arabia have uncovered and arrested members of a known CIA-ISIS terror network operating in Saudi Arabia, after Russian intelligence pointed Saudi authorities to an ISIS terror network funded and armed by the CIA.  The arrests come weeks after President Putin warned Saudi Arabia that Russia had “finite patience” regarding their complicity with the US CIA in arming and funding ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq.
