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Cameron Refuses To Launch Inquiry Over UK Arming Saudi Arabia

British Prime Minister David Cameron has refused to launch an inquiry into the delivery of UK-made arms to Saudi Arabia, who were recently condemned by the UN for using missiles against civilians in Yemen.  Cameron dismissed opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn’s demands that the British government launch an inquiry over the controversial arming of the Saudi regime, who Corbyn says have violated international law.

ISIS Leadership Killed Off By Mystery Sniper In Libya

Islamic State jihadis in Libya are under siege by a lone special forces sniper who is single handedly assassinating their top brass from afar. Three ISIS commanders have been reportedly shot dead in their de facto base in the North African capital of Sirte in the last few weeks. The Daily Express reports: The sharp shooter is said to have perfected his skills during the 2011 uprising against dictator Colonel Gaddafi. Senior ISIS terror chief Abdullah Hamad Al-Ansari has been named as the latest casualty after he was attacked on January 23 as he left a city centre mosque.

Palestinians Say Israel Are Preparing To Commit Genocide In Gaza

Palestinians have expressed their concern that Israel may be on the verge of a new war, which will lead to further genocide for residents living in the Gaza Strip. Israeli media have highlighted the alleged “growing” military strength of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and have ramped up their offensive against Palestinians living in the besieged territory. Some say its only a matter of time before the mass-killings begin again.

Robotic Workforce Will Destroy Middle Class, Creating Civil War

Within the next few years highly advanced robots are going to obliterate America’s middle class by replacing tens of millions of jobs, creating widespread social unrest and a possible civil war.  According to Mike Adams, corporations are already preparing for a robotic workforce. A robotic crop production facility already uses robots to produce 30,000 heads of fresh lettuce every day. reports: As robotic systems become more capable in the coming years, nearly all low-wage labor jobs will be taken over by affordable, reliable robotics systems.

Syrian Kurds Plan To End Turkish-ISIS Alliance By Sealing Border

Syrian Kurds and local allies have drawn up plans to launch an attack to seal the final stretch of the Syrian-Turkish border currently held by ISIS militants.  The attack will deprive ISIS of a logistical route that it has used in bringing supplies and foreign recruits across the Turkish-Syrian border. Yahoo News reports: But it could lead to confrontation with Turkey, which is fighting against its own Kurdish insurgents and sees the Syrian Kurds as an enemy.
