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Iran’s Supreme Leader Questions Authenticity Of Holocaust

The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayotollah Ali Khamenei, published a short video disputing the authenticity of the holocaust. The three-minute video is entitled “Are the Dark Ages Over?“was published on his official website on Holocaust Memorial Day The video features background images of the Auschwitz concentration camp, (where more than a million people are believed to have been exterminated by the Nazi regime)  and images of prominent Holocaust deniers, including British historian David Irving.

Cheering a ‘Democratic’ Coup in Ukraine

From the Archive: After the 2014 coup ousting Ukraine’s elected President Yanukovych, the mainstream U.S. media hailed this unconstitutional move as a victory for “democracy” while ignoring the darker side, neo-Nazis coddled by the U.S. government since the Cold War, as Robert Parry wrote four days after the putsch. By Robert Parry (Originally published on Feb. 26, 2014) There was…

Sweden Prepare Troops As Army Chief Warns Of World War 3

An internal army document sent to Swedish soldiers and civil servants reveals that Sweden is preparing for a World War 3 scenario to begin in the next few years within Europe.  The chief of the Swedish army, General Anders Brännström, has told troops that they should expect to be fighting in a European war against skilled opponents “within a few years”. reports: As well as soldiers, the booklet containing his stark warning has also been given to civil servants, politicians, and guests of next week’s annual manoeuvres and military demonstrations and exercises.

Captured Israeli General Confesses That Israel Sponsor ISIS

A captured Israeli General has admitted to his captors that Israel sponsor ISIS, helping the terrorist organisation both monetarily and strategically.  General Yussi Elon Shahak was captured by Shiite militia in Iraq, who have informed the European security organization DESI that the Israeli prisoner admitted to a Mossad and ISIS collaboration at the highest levels.

U.N. Chief Ban Ki-moon Calls Israeli Settlements An ‘Affront’

U.N. secretary-general Ban Ki-moon has called the continuous Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank “an affront to the Palestinian people and to the international community.” Mr Ban has called for a freeze on settlement activity by Israel to give peace with the Palestinians and a two state solution a chance. Aljazeera reports: Addressing the U.N.
