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Captured Israeli General Confesses That Israel Sponsor ISIS

A captured Israeli General has admitted to his captors that Israel sponsor ISIS, helping the terrorist organisation both monetarily and strategically.  General Yussi Elon Shahak was captured by Shiite militia in Iraq, who have informed the European security organization DESI that the Israeli prisoner admitted to a Mossad and ISIS collaboration at the highest levels. reports: USA Parliament (Intr) Foreign Minister and European Department for Security and Information Secretary General Ambassador Dr Haissam Bou Said exclusively confirms to VT that the Israeli Brigadier Yussi Elon Shahak captured by the Iraqi popular army confessed during the investigation that… “There is a strong cooperation between MOSSAD and ISIS top military commanders,” asserting that  “there are Israeli advisors helping the Organization on laying out strategic and military plans, and guiding them in the battlefield.” The terrorist organization also has military consultants from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Jordan. Saudi Arabia has so far provided ISIS with 30,000 vehicles, while Jordan rendered 4500 vehicles. Qatar and United Arab Emirates delivered funds for covering ISIS overall expenditure. The planes belonging to the aforesaid countries are still landing in the Mosel airport, carrying military aid and fighters, especially  via the Jordanian borders. The Parliament [...]