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Sweden Prepare Troops As Army Chief Warns Of World War 3

An internal army document sent to Swedish soldiers and civil servants reveals that Sweden is preparing for a World War 3 scenario to begin in the next few years within Europe.  The chief of the Swedish army, General Anders Brännström, has told troops that they should expect to be fighting in a European war against skilled opponents “within a few years”. reports: As well as soldiers, the booklet containing his stark warning has also been given to civil servants, politicians, and guests of next week’s annual manoeuvres and military demonstrations and exercises. Discussing the new military budget passed by the Swedish government last year for 2016-2020, General Brännström said: “The requirement of our ability to perform armed combat against a skilled opponent was clear, and this in context of the objective to create a front line against military attack and defend Sweden”. “The global environment we are experiencing which is also demonstrated by strategic decisions [taken by politicians] leads us to the conclusion we could be at war within a few years”. The general said the manoeuvres, which this year focus on the Swedish army’s ability to fight and survive a winter war, should be conducted with this security situation in mind. Speaking [...]